Friday, April 13, 2012

Fab Journal & Art Journal Prompts

If you watched the video I recently featured on this blog, you know I have a passion for journaling around themed lists (Didn’t see it?  Feel free to click here!). 

Generally, I don’t build lists in final form within my writing journal.  Rather, the key components I’ll include within these lists will, many times, start off in my writing journal (where I assess, “toy” with them).  They will then end up in final form in my art journal.  This is not a rigid process, though.  It’s one meant to be modified for each person’s best use.  With that being said, these lists could certainly be built in their entirety within a writing journal and/or art journal.

Looking for inspirational prompts for your writing journal and/or art journal?  Listed below are a few that I have enjoyed using:
  • Create a “things I’m wild about” list and/or collage (mine is pictured above);
  • Build a quasi self-portrait composed of the things that ooze your specific style.  Mine was a collage featuring images of things I’m drawn to.  To view it, click here.
  • Write a list of the 108 reasons you love yourself.  This fab inspiration came from Christine Arylo, an author who addresses women’s self-esteem issues;
  • List your absolute “yes’s” and “no’s.”  More specifically, what do you strive to always say, “Yes” to (e.g. use my journal to process issues) versus, “No” (e.g. negative self talk). This highly insightful idea was inspired by author Cheryl Richardson;
  • Collage or list the things you can do to make the coming week (day, month or year) more memorable, Zen and cheerful;
  • Write out and/or collage your monthly, quarterly and/or annual goals (I used to think that annual goal setting had to begin on January 1.  Fortunately, it doesn’t!);
  • After attending a workshop or retreat, participating in a teleclass or e-course, or completing an inspiring read, note your “take-away’s” (the concepts you learned or the things that spoke to you most clearly).  This allows you to refer to them again and again! The idea for this little gem came from one of my favorite authors, Kimberly Wilson
  • Break down a goal you want to achieve into a step-by-step action plan.  As noted above, my goals often are “played with” in my gal pal writing journal and end up in final form in my treasured art journal.  But, as noted above, this could totally take place in either or both locales! 

Got great ideas for list prompts?  I’d love for you to share it here with me and other like-minded lovelies who drop by!   T.